
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sam Speaks: Jesse Williams, The Racist Humanitarian

By Sam Frescoe
The Sam Frescoe Project

Welcome to the first installment of Sam Speaks. Sam Speaks is an opportunity to endorse compelling thought and rebut stupidity. This forum is dedicated to upholding thinking over feeling, self-control over tantrums, and self-respect over self-loathing. I am your host, Sam Frescoe. I’m glad you’re here!
--- WARNING ---
You are about to enter a “feelings endangerment zone” currently occupied by a liberated, straight, white, God fearing, gun toting expert marksman; an all American patriot. Be advised, it’s highly likely that he doesn’t care about your feelings in any way.
--- WARNING ---
Getting Started
Did anyone see the 2016 BET Awards held on 26 June 2016? If the answer is no, then you are not alone. I also had better things to do.
Has anyone seen or heard the Jesse Williams speech given after he received the BET Humanitarian Award? If not, then you’ve been living under a rock. I must admit that I was not that far from under when I noticed my entire web media horizon was filled with this speech. It was everywhere; from Fox News to MSNBC, from People to Salon, and all points in between. The next morning I got to read about it on the front, second, and fourth pages of the newspaper. Then, one click later, I was neck deep in the mire.

The BET Humanitarian Award is an annual award presented by BET during a televised event. To the best of my knowledge the honor has no formal criteria; therefore, is nothing more than a fancy trophy. (I must admit that, as entertainment-based awards go, it does look good and seems to be well crafted.) Jesse Williams was selected by BET “for his work in fighting for equal rights” and his “support of the Black Lives Matter movement.” 
Jesse Williams is an actor and producer best known for his role on Grey’s Anatomy. He is regularly described as an equal rights activist and champion of black culture in America.

The Speech
The scene is typical of most entertainment award shows. There is a stage, podium, mics, lights, music and sound, a script, and an array of well-dressed hosts and hostesses. Mr. Williams is introduced in typical fashion as he arrives on stage; and then, accepts the trophy with the standard smile-and-shake procedure. The gathered audience quiets; Williams addresses the microphone; and then, an explosion!
My first impression of amazement bordering on disbelief. Here stood an incredibly successful American man, a master of his craft, standing at the top of a very exclusive industry, filled with rage. It was completely unexpected. Upon finishing the video, I started it again for a second viewing.
My second impression transitioned from disbelief to disappointment. Until this point in my life, I had not seen a grown man throw such an amazingly well rehearsed temper tantrum. Even though I was watching a masterful performance of a professional actor playing his assigned part (that of a 3 year old trapped in a Millennial’s body), I could not ignore the tragedy being laid before me; an American man of wide cultural influence fully embraced viciousness in the name of self-righteousness.

Sam Speaks
The transcript, published on 27 Jun 2016, was obtained from a UK news agency.

Begin transcript.
This award, this is not for me.
This is for the real organizers all over the country.
Okay. I see an attempt at humility. It’s clearly fake; but, it’s an attempt just the same. Perhaps he will pass the trophy to those that have earned it; being that it’s not for him and (by his own admission) he is not a real organizer.
The activists, the civil rights attorneys, the struggling parents, the families, the teachers, the students, that are realizing that a system built to divide and impoverish and destroy us cannot stand if we do.
To better frame the scope of the speech I’m going to assume, based on the fact that it’s a BET event, terms like “us” and “we” refer to black Americans in general. I’m going to further assume, by his use of “us”, that he considers himself a member of that group.
He used “realizing” as a verb (meaning to recognize, understand, or comprehend) in conjunction with “system” as a noun. So, if a system “built to divide and impoverish and destroy” black Americans can be recognized, understood, or comprehended; then I have some questions.
1.    What activities, actions, decision, etc. are being realized by black Americans?
2.    What is the system that is dividing, impoverishing, and destroying black Americans?
As you might imagine I’m now waiting with some excitement; however, severely reserved. After all, here stands an actor raging about the oppression of Americans. Surely, he wouldn’t possibly hand out a rash of self-righteous crap about the inability of other Americans to realize the same.
It's kind of basic mathematics, the more we learn about who we are and how we got here, the more we will mobilize.
Okay! Now you’re talking. Realizing the oppressive system is question is akin to the objective nature of mathematics. – Nope!
He wants you and me to believe that his opinion of an ever-present and oppressive system of black American oppression is as certain as 2+2=4. And, that this self-proclaimed fact is conclusively based on the entirety of black history in America.
Perhaps it would be worth getting the opinions of General Powell, Secretary Rice, or Justice Thomas?
Finally, he wants you and me to believe that no other rational conclusion (different than his own) could manifest itself.
Who is teaching what to whom and for what purpose? – If it’s education, then why not check the work of other historians?
Now this is also in particular for the black women, in particular, who have spent their lifetimes dedicated to nurturing everyone before themselves.
Wait a minute!
Which “particular” black women? – I assume you are not referring to those on the nightly news speaking out about oppression as part of their salary jobs; or, those waiting in the Social Security lobby demanding entitlements while picking their professionally manicured nails.
Just how are you able to speak out against oppressive conditions (much less even realize those conditions exist at all, objectively or subjectively) when there is a system is designed to “divide and impoverish and destroy” black Americans?
We can and will do better for you.
What are you saying?
Is nurturing others ahead of themselves not virtuous in of itself?
Why do black mothers need you and others to legitimize their effort?
What do you owe to black mothers because they choose to nurture others?
Now what we've been doing is looking at the data and we know that police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people every day.
My ears are perking up again. Data! – Cite something. Anything. – Dang.
And, now to re-attack the same hill…again…you want me to believe that police are somehow NOT managing to de-escalate, disarm and not kill black people every day?
Mr. Williams, please check your black privilege before you say anymore.
How long have you been a police-ophobe (someone that suffers from cop-ophobia, an irrational fear of law enforcement officers properly doing their job)?  A statement such as this, without presentation of evidence, is highly prejudice against police officers as a whole, including black police officers.
So what's going to happen is we are going to have equal rights and justice in our own country or we will restructure their function and ours.
Got it! You want your own country. – Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Oh…and…have a safe and comfortable journey.
If your statement is taken as a premise, then there is no room for good faith negotiation. You’re saying it’s going to be the black way or no way at all. This is a war footing. How far are you willing to go?
-          What are equal rights?
-          What is justice?
-          Which country is your own country?
-          What is the function of the police?
-          What is the function of black Americans?
Yesterday would’ve been young Tamir Rice’s 14th birthday, so I don’t want to hear any more about how far we’ve come when paid public servants can pull a drive-by on a 12-year-old playing alone in a park in broad daylight, killing him on television then going home to make a sandwich.
An expression of grief and mourning for the loss of a child, in my view, is virtuous and well-founded. To invoke “look at how far we’ve come” in conjunction with the untimely death of a human being is dishonorable. The objective value of a person’s existence far exceeds the subjective value of a generality.
Tell Rekia Boyd how it’s so much better to live in 2012 than 1612 or 1712.
Tell that to Eric Garner.
Tell that to Sandra Bland.
Tell that to Darrien Hunt.
Tamir Rice (12-yrs): Died of gunshot wounds delivered by two law enforcement officers after “reaching towards a gun in his waistband.” The gun was an Airsoft replica lacking the orange feature marking it as a replica. A grand jury declined to indict.[1] – Having been on both sides of the gun, I agree with the grand jury.
Rekia Boyd, a 22-year-old woman, was fatally shot on March 21, 2012, in Chicago, Illinois, by Dante Servin, an off-duty Chicago police detective. In November 2013, Servin was charged with involuntary manslaughter, but was cleared of all charges on April 20, 2015, by Judge Dennis J. Porter in a rare directed verdict.[2] – This one stinks! Technicalities are the first refuge of scoundrels.
On July 17, 2014, Eric Garner died in Staten Island, New York City, after an NYPD officer put him in what has been described as a chokehold for about 15 to 19 seconds while arresting him. NYPD officers approached Garner on suspicion of selling single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps. The grand jury decided on December 3 not to indict.[3] – I view this as a likely miscarriage of justice. A man was killed over a matter that could have easily been addressed with kind words and a paper citation.
Sandra Bland was a 28-year-old black woman who was found hanged in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas, on July 13, 2015. An autopsy conducted by the Harris County medical examiner ruled Bland's death a suicide and said it found no evidence of a violent struggle. In December 2015, a grand jury declined to issue an indictment. However, the arresting officer was disciplined and later dismissed for failure to follow procedures governing the traffic stop that involved Bland; and later, her arrest for assaulting a police officer. [4] – A tragedy, but not a murder.
Darrien Hunt, a 22-year-old black man was killed by police. An attorney for the man’s family alleged that he was shot repeatedly from behind by officers while running away. Two police officers who were responding to a 911 call reporting a man with a samurai-style sword acting suspiciously.[5] – I don’t have enough understanding of the case to support a position on this incident.
Can you demonstrate that you have not stacked the evidence to your favor? Can you name similar incidents with non-black victims?
Now the thing is though, all of us in here getting money, that alone isn’t going to stop this. Now dedicating our lives to get money just to give it right back for someone’s brand on our body, when we spent centuries praying with brands on our bodies and now we pray to get paid for brands on our bodies.
And the tantrum continues. – Enough with the metaphors and coded imagery.
What do you mean by “someone’s brand on our body”?
-          Who owns black Americans?
-          Why do black Americans consent to being owned?
What do you mean by “praying with brands on our bodies”?
-          To what is the spirit of black Americans bound?
-          Who is the master of your soul?
What do you mean by “now we pray to get paid for brands on our bodies”? – Same questions.
Do you hate the fundamental nature of the United States of America and the American way of life? Do you understand, it is that very way of life that allows you to speak at will and as you please?
There has been no war that we have not fought and died on the front lines of.
This is a true statement.
There has been no job we haven't done, there's been no tax they haven't levied against us, and we've paid all of them.
This is a true statement.
But freedom is somehow always conditional here, 'You’re free,’ they keep telling us, ‘But she would’ve been alive if she hadn’t acted so… free'.
What?! It appears that you are free to speak as you please (even in a private venue while using private property). – So much for “us” being captive.
Just who do you believe you are? How are you qualified in any way to stand on the graves of the honored dead, American warriors, and declare with your black-civilian-actor-celebrity mouth that the total of their lives were stolen for the sake of vanity.
I do not know your true intentions, or your fundamental desires, but I do know this about you. You are vicious, immoral, and ungrateful man.
While you are free to choose your course of action, you are not free to choose the consequences. – Acting without care (cause) does not inherently mean that one can opt out of someone else caring (effect).
Freedom is always coming in the hereafter, but, you know what though, the hereafter is a hustle.
Same tree, different branch. – I pray that God judges you with favor and grace underserved, if it is right for Him to do so.
We want it now.
Alright, young man! Go stand in the corner. Move it!
And let's get a couple of things straight, just a little side note, the burden of the brutalized is not to comfort the bystander. That's not our job, stop with all that.
Is this an accurate translation? The load represented by those dehumanized does not exist to pacify onlookers. – If this is what you meant, then I agree.
If you have a critique for the resistance, our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression.
Got it! You are a rebel leader of a resistance. Excellent! I like the fighting spirit. – Who is the enemy, what are they doing, and why should I care?
The phrase “…then you better…” as used in your statement, amounts to picking a fight.
-          What happens when someone throws that gauntlet back?
-          When do you believe violence is justified?
-          How far are you willing to go?
If you have no interest in equal rights for black people then do not make suggestions to those who do. Sit down.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’ll pick that up. – My genuine interest is the protection of personal liberty for all Americans. To that end, I want to know which American rights are not being accorded to black Americans; and then, stand with those that are equally opposed.
Your turn. – Which American rights are not being accorded to black Americans?
We’ve been floating this country on credit for centuries, and we’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind, while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil, black gold.
There it is! The leopard has shone its spots. And, it looks like “whiteness.” – If whiteness is an invention (a noun), then it can be defined. What is the definition of whiteness?
“Burying black people out of sight and out of mind.”
-          Are you saying black Americans don’t have a voice?
-          Blacks are hidden? Where? How?
-          Blacks aren’t provided a choice?
-          Buried by who, and for what reason? If the grievance is so severe, then why do blacks participate?
“extracting our culture” – That’s enough bull shit to fertilize all of the Midwest six feet thick!
-          How can what is openly shared be unjustly extracted?
-          What portion of black culture is so exclusive to blacks regardless of circumstance?
“our dollars” – Extracting money from people requires agreement and/or use of force. How is this a problem exclusive to black Americans?
Ghettoizing and demeaning our creations then stealing them, gentrifying our genius and then trying us on like costumes before discarding our bodies like rinds of strange fruit.
Who builds ghettos? – Answer: Those that decree it to be built, and those that agree to build it. – Notice that the answer is not whiteness.
Who demeans (belittles, humiliates, degrades)? – Hint: The act of demeaning is not exclusive to whiteness.
How do you explain the contributions of blacks to America’s social institutions such as music, sports, civil rights, military service, and medicine? – If whiteness is to blame, then on behalf of white America, you’re welcome.
The thing is, just because we’re magic, doesn’t mean we’re not real.
Hey! No one is denying your existence.
End transcript.

Given all that was said and done, what was actually said and done?
I’ve heard angry words that raged against the oppression of black Americans. I’ve heard the belittlement of motherhood and an apology for the assumed shortfall of blacks in general. I’ve heard legitimately unjust particulars leveraged to make righteous intent to destroy American history, principles, and arrangements. I’ve heard blame attached to whites, police officers in their entirety, presumed intent, the long-time dead, political leaders at every level, the American way of life, the existence of the United States, and even God Himself. All of this was done to illustrate the existence of a “system built to divide and impoverish and destroy” black Americans. All of this was shouted above the thunder of standing applause, real and virtual.
Where was the difference given to good and bad, right and wrong, grace and evil, virtue and vicious? Where was the effort to state that human injustice is a human failing?
Mr. Williams, what do you and those you claim to represent want? What, exactly, do black Americans want from history, government, and country; from whites, cops, parents, ancestors, politicians, the dead, and God? – Regardless of the answers, why do you choose to think the way you think, or believe the way you believe?
Jesse Williams
You did it. You identified the system of oppression built to “divide and impoverish and destroy” black Americans.
The oppressive system you want us to “realize” is not rooted in “whiteness” or a grievance-by-hatred industry. These things, however real or imagined, are symptoms of a deeper root cause. A cause that has evolved into a foundational idea, a golden rule; to be a virtuous “black” individual, one must first be vicious to the “white” collective.
While I do not know your true intentions, or your fundamental beliefs, I do know these things about you. You are a grown man, a brilliant talent, and gifted orator. There is no doubt that these gifts are inherent within you and add to your uniqueness. I also know that you are choosing to be a vicious, immoral, and ungrateful racist.
Nicely played. You couldn’t have provided a better advertisement opportunity for Jesse Williams, Black Lives Matter, or yourself. I am truly impressed. Despite the blatant race-based hatred being puked out to the world through your platform, you managed to stay clean.
·         I am particularly impressed with the lightning speed that the speech penetrated the internet.
·         I am particularly impressed with how well the vast majority of media outlets used identical, or nearly identical, terms and syntax to describe the speech.
You have effectively used free speech as a weapon system against the human capacity to do what is inherently good. Enjoy the paycheck.
Media Outlets
Providing the benefit of the doubt, you were duped by a narcissistic racist that was sponsored by an organized conglomerate of narcissistic businessmen. In doing so, you failed to do your duty as an American institution specifically protected to act as the “check and balance” of American discourse.
You sold out for money. There is no reason for your failure, just excuses.
The Public
You are not blameless. Not even close. The only reason the social institution of the media can do this is because you, the consuming public, allow it to be profitable. 
Stupidity, like wisdom, is built on choices made over an extended period of time. In my view, it seems clear that you have a long history of making stupid choices.
In Closing
There are two realities of human life. Both are ever-present simply because human nature and human beings exist in this world. The two unavoidable realities are “that which is good” and “that which is evil.” My intent in posing the questions stated was to determine which reality was being sought; one that is good, or one that is evil. I am astonished by how fully “that which is evil” has been embraced by those that claim to know better.
Viciousness is a human failing; but, virtue is a human triumph. Both are ever-present simply because human beings exist. Both represent the desire of human nature to cultivate thoughts, make decisions, and take action on those decisions. But, it’s not human nature to puts failings and triumphs into the world; it’s individual human beings.
In my view, for an America to achieve unity without mandating uniformity in a way sustainable by human nature it’s incumbent upon each American citizen, regardless of their circumstances (transient or fixed, real or virtual, natural or supernatural), to choose the virtuous path.

Thank you. – Sam Frescoe

Your View
Your thoughts and perspectives are important. I invite you to tell me what you believe in the comments section below or at I am looking forward to reading your thoughts, ideas, and opinions.


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