
Thursday, October 29, 2015

American Ethics – The Supreme Ethic

American All Call

American Ethics – The Supreme Ethic
By Sam Frescoe, Veteran’s Recall

In prior posts I presented my thoughts on morality, morals, and why they are critically important to the American way of life. Now it’s time to discuss what “morals in action” look like day-to-day. It’s time to discuss ethics.
Ethics are rules of behavior concerning the application of morals. In other words, ethics are ideas about what is good and bad behavior. In this way they are related to morals. However, because ethics are driven by the preferences of society and dominate culture, they are subordinate to morals and moral thinking.
Ethics are commonly categorized by vocation, profession, or social situation. To cover all of this ground is not reasonable for this blog. Additionally, I am not qualified to speak to the ethical boundaries of every individual vocation, profession, or social situation out there. However, I would like to speak about what I consider to be the supreme ethic.
If there is a supreme ethic that governs and guides all other ethics, then let it be this ethic.
The Supreme Ethic
Appreciate, respect, dignify, and esteem your fellow Americans as yourself.
Going Forward
Vocational, professional, and situational ethics are important. Ethics tell us how to interact with each other. Ethics are important just as manners are important.
Still, ethics, unconstrained by morals and morality, are the tools of tyranny and the playground of tyrants. Ethics are cultural norms (subjective) while morals are absolutes (objective). There is no substitute for sound moral thinking.
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