Is anyone tired of being told
that checking a list of lists in a more robust fashion is the answer?
Is anyone tired of the narrative
that suggests motive is more important than the results?
I’m willing to bet the answer to
all three questions is an overwhelming “YES”. Without a doubt, I count myself
among this crowd. Yet, there is a question that remains.
What can be done about it? This
is the question I get challenged with often. In my opinion, the solution
requires a more grand approach than what can be wrapped up in a 15-second sound
Reduce the Behavior
First things are first. Recognize
that the primary factor is not a gun problem; it’s a choice and values problem.
Firearms are machines that respond to user input; therefore, they cannot be
held accountable for wrong-doing. In other words, initiatives to reduce access
to firearms are not capable of significant reductions in firearm related
violence. However, if potential users of firearms are conditioned to seek other
forms of redress, leaving lethal force for protection only, then a significant
reduction in firearm related violence becomes possible regardless of the
presence of firearms. In short, if the impulse to execute an immoral lethal act
is sufficiently low, then other forms of redress become available, are
preferred, and are accepted.
Second, we must increase the
opportunity for citizens to defend themselves. Everyone has an inherent right
to their life. Therefore, the right to self-defense should be enhanced whenever
possible. Why, because there are hostile actors that believe differently. I am
not advocating for the resurgence of the wild-west or vigilante justice. I am
advocating for the use of that force necessary to defend your life, your
castle, and by-standers from the actions of an aggressor. Obviously, the
defender and the aggressor, has a responsibility to justify the force used.
Third, we must reduce the
collective anger towards the government by effectively reducing criminal
presence. This begins by understanding how criminals are created.
How are criminals created? First, the government creates a
law against a particular behavior. Then, a person commits a crime by
demonstrating that behavior. In turn, the government applies force to redress
the offense. To date, crime reduction has been focused on separating the
criminal from the opportunity to commit a crime. Hence, the multi-billion
dollar prison industry.
Based on the above, I am advocating for three different
First, reduce crime by reducing the definition of bad
behavior. In my opinion, it’s past time to reduce criminal statues for minor
offenses resulting from victimless crimes (such as simple possession). Fools onto
themselves are not criminals. They are idiots, but they are not criminals.
Idiots don’t belong in prison.
Second, reduce the criminal presence of the illegal
population by increasing their risk of financial failure. If they cannot get or
sustain employment, obtain welfare benefits, or enjoy civil rights afforded to
American citizens, then they will choose to leave. For those that choose
otherwise, law enforcement should be resourced to do their job.
Third, reduce the criminal presence by eliminating capital
criminals. Yes, I am talking about capital punishment. What is the difference
between an incarcerated criminal serving a life sentence after an unsuccessful
appeal, and an individual that elected to forfeit their humanity by committing
a capital crime (e.g. murder, rape, etc.)? How does one have more value than
the other? If there is no difference, then society should not be forced to pay
the bill for keeping them around?
Develop America’s Robustness
Reduce the capacity for domestic
political actors with hostile intent to inflict harm on American institutions.
In others words, increase the robustness of America’s institutions against the
hostile intent of un-American influences. For example, reduce the presence of counter-American
(community-centric) political ideologies while increasing pro-American
(individual-centric) political ideologies.
Before you fly off the handle,
let’s ask a question. How might America realize this level of robustness
without violating the civil rights of its citizens? The answer is found in
defining what it means to be an American, what is does NOT mean to be an
American, and that the distinctions do not overlap.
Develop Each American’s Robustness
Increase the desire for personal
responsibility and social ostracizing of wrong-doers.
Teach the next generation the way that they should go.
Purposely empower and hold accountable local communities and districts for bringing
up morally straight citizens. Encourage parental partnerships for the
instruction of the American Honor Code, American morals, American values, and
personal responsibility.
Purposely empower and hold accountable local communities and
districts for bringing up strong, respectful, and hard-working Americans.
Encourage parental partnerships for the instruction of American history, trade
skills, American government, and the Constitution in addition to math, science,
technology, the arts, and English.
Recognize that some Americans need trade-skills in their hands
more than college-knowledge in their minds. The idea that everyone is cut out
for college (or worse yet, entitled to college) is false. While everyone must
have a means to gain employment for their own well-being, not everyone should
have a college degree. By making trade-skills common, and college exclusive,
society can maximize work place involvement, minimize welfare dependence, and
increase the overall value of knowledge.
Herald our heroes at all levels: sung and unsung. People need
role models. Americans are no different.
Denounce evil and call-out wrong-doing whenever and however
possible: the act and the acceptance (passive or active). Reward those that
stand opposed.
Decrease the profession of welfare by increasing the
profession of generosity. The welfare of our fellow man is a personal
responsibility not a federal government responsibility. The first duty of an
American is to render aid to fellow Americans in need. Whereas, the first duty
of America is to protect Americans from evil actors, foreign and domestic. If
the government does their duty, then Americans can to do theirs as well.
The Key to the Future
To realize the above, all of
America’s instructive institutions must buy-in and be onboard: churches,
schools, higher academia, laws, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. This is a
large undertaking, and the task falls to the People alone. Only we have
sufficient incentive to abolish what does not work.
Going Forward
America is a sovereign nation
with a moral responsibility to protect its citizens without moral ambiguity
from all enemies, foreign and domestic, hostile and passive. It’s time for the
People to choose unity and get started.
Your View
I invite you to tell me what you
believe at I am
looking forward to reviewing your comments and furthering our American
discourse. Thank you. – Sam Frescoe
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